Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Tons of drinking lately.......wooohaaa. This semester has to end before my liver stops functioning. In true Phi Kap fashion, I'm leaving with a bang, but all this wastedness is taking it's toll on me. I'm starting to look incredibly run-down and worn out. Which is kind of funny, and also kind of sad. Look for me with Jerry the Bum next week in a dumpster.

One thing that I wanted to hear about from you all is your thoughts on the way the presidential election is shaping up. This is the first election that I have really followed, and it's pretty interesting stuff. I would imagine that most of you, being college students or young adults, will not vote for Bush. But do you guys think that Kerry has a chance? It seems to me that he might, as more and more conservatives turn into "anybody but bush" voters because of his irresponsible spending. There is also a big push by both sides to get the largely un-tapped 18-24 year old vote this year, which could have somewhat substantial impact if the proposed goal of 20 million new young voters is reached. Anyway, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Right now it's roof drinking time.

Friday, April 23, 2004

If you like lasers (and who doesn't??) then you should check this out. If you don't like lasers, then you are denying Mechanical Advantage 7 and you can expect to be destroyed by the robots from the future. In other news, the last two weeks at RPI have been a total shit storm of drug raids and fraternity suspensions.....very sour.

Today's Tip of the Day:

When the Slu gets wasted and passes out on the couch, make a rather large incision in his lower back and remove a kidney. Then, heat up a giant kitchen knife and cotterize the wound. Finally, sew up the incision (yes I realize that this is AFTER the cotterizing) with one of your shoe laces and sell the Slu Kidney on Ebay.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

What a great day........lots of drinking and guitar on the roof resulted in being pretty wasted when I went to go build my capstone circuit. However, I feel that the Beer Gods must have been pleased because it actually went pretty smoothly. For my bullshit capstone class, I have constructed a boost converter that takes 0.7V DC output of the fuel cell up to a more usable 6V DC with very little Vout ripple. Hurray for me.

And today was Kendra and my 4 year anniversary.......Coincidence??? I think not.

Today's Tip of the Day:

Kill the Slu with a rusty nail, chop him up and put him in a pot, and make Slu Stew!!!

Monday, April 19, 2004

Fun weekend spent at Kendra's.....it's so nice to go to a "normal" school once in a while and get a different perspective on the college experience. Tripp, I hope that this coming Friday night is good for you because we have another event planned for Saturday. Give me a call and we can figure out exactly what we want to get and i'll go reserve it at Hoosick Bev.

It is far too nice to stay inside and compute any longer. Tchuss.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Well things are getting better by the day it seems. I should have my official offer for my job either today or tomorrow, and then it's drug testing time. It also looks like i'm going to pass my micro test tomorrow, which is very good considering the alternative and its consequences. Seeing that most of us are starting to make our way in this world, you should all check out this link for some good financial advice. Other than that, I guess there is not a lot to say today, except for that it's finally sunny out. Too bad my time is being spent becoming familiar with minority carrier concentrations and band diagrams. Enjoy the weekend.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Well, ladies and gentlemen, Stephen is finally growing up and just got himself a job with Wyeth Biopharma. He is extremely excited about this. Make sure you congratulate him the next time you see him, and buy him a beer. Tripp, we need to figure out a good day to have our job/lettering Kendra keg(s). I think that I would like to do it the weekend of the 23rd, but i'm not totally sure yet. Have a great night everyone.

I guess today could be summarized as "Lost in the Sauce". I'm still recovering from our fantastic weekend at Tucks while trying to fight off a virus that I picked up along the way. Things are actually real stressful right now due to a test that I MUST pass on friday and the whole "end of college/begining of real life" thing thats staring me in the face. While it was wonderful to not think about school/jobs for the weekend, it's not so wonderful to come back to reality and realize that you really should have been doing work instead of drunkenly cutting your knuckles and snowboarding at Tuck's. But so is Life, and I really need to stop bitching because i have something like 3 weeks of college left.

In other news, apparently RPI is quite pissed about the performance of the Greek system over the last year and all of the police intervention that has gone on. There are officially no more parties allowed by anyone for the rest of the semester (open or closed or mixers or registered or not registered or whatever......nothing is allowed). According to DOSO we are "seriously jepordizing the future of Greek life at RPI". This all seems a little bit weird because only a few houses are on probabtion right now; and one or two presidents have been arrested recently but this threat seems a little bit extreme to me. On a related note, the Underage Drinking Taskforce is back in action (they were at SAE recently). This is also strange, because the last thing that we heard about them was that their funding was going to educating kids in middle school and high school instead of busting up parties. Eff the police and the Slu.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

MUST..........CREATE..........................BUT WHAT!!??!!??!!

Great weekend with Tripp and crew at Tuckerman's Ravine. No one got hurt, we met some real silly faggots at a ski club, got INCREDIBLY hammerred and intentionally cut ourselves on the knuckles with knives, turned 22, met Lady Linda of the Dance (more glorious than any of you could possibly imagine), and generally had an amazing time. Vern also almost died (again) in a fabulous head-over-heals tumble down the ravine. Shit was rockin'. Cheerio.
