Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Thar she blows!

So yesterday I went out and bought an electric guitar and an amp. It is shit-hot. The guitar is a used Gibson Les Paul with Seymour Duncan after-market pickups, and the amp is a Marshall DFX30 (or something like that). It uses a triode for the pre-amp stage, and then uses digital shaping for the effects. I have to say, it does an exellent job of soundling like a tube amp. Tchuss!

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Some labels that we made for the ODB Tribute Ale.......there were 35 labels made, one for each year of Dirty's life. We ended up with 36 bottles of beer, and the one that didn't get a label was sipped by everyone and then poured on the ground....

It has been a busy week of not working. Busy, but enjoyable. I'm having trouble remembering some things that went on, which is most likely due to a steady diet of holliday festivities and native-american-inspired cheer. Those pilgrims and their plymouth rock sure were cool.

On the 19th, Tripp, Mercaldi, J-Rod and myself went to see the Reverend Glasseye and his Wooden Legs. They were awesome, and you should check them out. On Saturday (the 20th), I went to a small gathering at Katie's house, which was good fun. Sunday found me back at Westfield State college, where I had a relaxing and fun time with Kendra and the Westfield kids. On Tuesday we came back, and then went to Michael's Harborside on Wednesday night. I was quite apprehensive about Michael's at first, but it turned out to be a great time. I got kind of drunk, and saw more Pentucket Celebrities than I could possibly list here. Notably absent, however, were Brad Bridges and Mike Timony. This was a shame, but it was cool to see the likes of Jamie Dolanski, Dave Nizzaro, and Sam Bamford. Thanksgiving ended up being pretty relaxing, with lots of family at the Boyd house.

On Friday, Geoff, Abbie, Kendra, and myself enjoyed the beautiful weather and went to Maudsley state park and played some Frisbee and football. This was a lot of fun. Later on Friday night, we went to the Mandarin Buffet (chinese restraunt/bar) in Haverhill. This is notable for two reasons: The presence of some classic characters (Jake Tucker, David Allen, OLSEN!!, Zack, etc.), and this is the only bar that I have ever been to that buys 3o racks from the liquor store and then re-sells them at the bar. Totally illegal and totally awesome. 50 cent cans of Beast and dollar bottles of Busch. Fucking roight. On Saturday, Kendra, myself, Abbie and Geoff went to John's condo and we bottles the Ol' Dirty Bastard Tribute ale, and started brewing an Irish Stout. The anchor steam ale was also ready for consumption, and it is a delight for all of the senses. The ODB tribute ale has a taste as crazy as the man it is named after. I'll post the recipe when I get it from John. Check out some of the labels above.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, but the Native Americans get a special "happy hollidays" from me.


Sunday, November 21, 2004

This might be the new car.....

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Kendra with a fresh perm.....

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Militia-man Larry has an ammo shop...

German Invasion Party.....Ausgetzeitnicht!

Glamorous Gail with Wilson the Python, circa 1986.

Once again, the weekend is good. It started out with Kendra coming home on Wednesday night, which was great. I took a half day on Friday and drove down to Hartford to pick up Henry in the middle of the season's first snow storm. We then drove to RPI and had a pretty hilarious night. My favorite part was a very wasted Tripp, dancing at the Ruck during every song and rubbing his ass on anyone (male or female) that tried to walk by. There was also some dude there with a pirate hat on, and whenever he would come by Tripp would steal his hat and then slink away. This behavior went on for what seemed like 2 hours, and it was without question the best thing that I have ever seen at the ruck. Fucking hilarious. For 2 hours. Complete magic. Friday night was also cool because I got to do some rockin' and rollin' with Seth, Bob-o and Spinelli. There are now two large amps and a drumset in the party room of the house, and we spent a good amount of time, like, uh, totally rockin' out man. I've never played with a "band" before, so it was a special treat.

On Saturday we dragged ourselves out of bed and went to Okemo. "We" being myself, Beardo, Tripper, Tito Palmer, Jorzik, Lori, Zilka, Mark Roberts, Tracksler, and probably some other people that I'm forgetting. The ice wasn't very snowy, but it was still a ton of fun. It ruled just to get out before thanksgiving......hopefully this is the start of an excellent season. It was also Tracksler's first day ever of snowboarding, and he ended up pretty sore. What can I say; the man's a trooper. On the way back from Okemo there were some thirsty people in my car, so we got some drinks and made things better. After that we hit up Ichiban for some sushi/saki. The rest of the night was kind of slow for me, with highlights including going to a "German Invasion" part and doing some more late-night guitar playing. The German Invasion party was an interesting scene. It was at a "Fraorority" on campus, and they were actually really cool to us. They gave us tasty German beers, played weird and scary industrial techno, and generally showed us a good time. However, we were asked to leave due to a "Defication issue and a theft issue" (AKA Rudy was being an asshole).

Sunday was spent driving Tripp back to Hartford and then driving home to spend time with Kendra. It was fantastic day: the drive was beautiful, I took a picture of one of the best signs EVER, and got to spend some high quality time with the Lady. None too shabby.

Now for a huge downer: Ol' Diry Bastard aka Big Baby Jesus aka Dirt McGuirt is no longer with us. Mr. McGuirt passed away in the studio on Saturday, in the middle of laying down a fresh cut for the new LP. He was, I am sure, coked out of his mind, and his heart could not take the abuse anymore. RIP ODB. In an eulogy to the deceased, I have composed an ODB-like verse:

My pussies are swollen,
Bitch, come wipe my ass,
be-fur I kill you, crack cocaine,
Ooohhhhhhh, Big Baby Jesus is filthy,
I crawl through the trees like a salamander,
My balls are fragile as eggs,
Bitch where's my money at hoe.

Anyway, Enjoy the glamour pics of Gail. It's been my dream since I was a wee lad to photograph women posing with pythons, and on Thursday night that dream was realized.

Monday, November 08, 2004

weird dudes

Sully's "buddy", Salsa........HA!

A general idea of the setup

Another fun weekend....Huray for those. On friday night I went into Boston with Kirk and Mercaldi. We met up with Marcus and Alicia early on, and pretty much went bar hopping in a futile attempt to find the Sullivan. Sully was out, parading around town with his maybee-lover, Salsa. Salsa is called Salsa because his parents own a salsa factory (according to Sully), but I think that perhaps Sully and Salsa are a wee bit on the fancy side. All in all, it was a great time. We went to an awesome bar in Davis square, then went to Porters, then to Fanuel Hall, then back to Porters and then home. Good times. Saturday started with Kirk waking up at 10:30, deciding he needed more sleep, then waking up 45 minutes later and deciding that he needed a 45 minute shower. I was hoping to get a good start on the day, but Kirk eliminated all prospects of this happening. He even had the nerve to lock the door to the bathroom, preventing me from depositing a steaming suprise while he took a shower. We then went to Johnny D's again for breakfast, which was tasty and (kind of) cheap.

On Saturday night, John, Kata, Kirk and myself went to the Ammadio's to slide a shady make-shift rail. There was a small army of 17 year olds present, and they took care of getting the snow from the Haverhill skating rink and actually doing most of the work. John and I did do a fair amount of shoveling though. Kirk managed to convince Mrs.Ammadio that beers at this event was ok, so those of us that were legal had a few beers and slid the rail a couple of times. Overall it was a lot of fun. I never actually made it to the end of the rail though, as the track was too slow for snowboards and I couldn't get enough speed. Ah, well. Sunday was also enjoyable, complete with chores around the house followed by a great couple of hours with abiGAIL at Maudsley playing some frisbee.

A quick aside: On Thursday night, John and I started a batch of "California Steam Ale", which appears to be an Anchor Steam rip off. We didn't fuck any part of the brewing process up, and the smell was amazingly good. 3.5 weeks until it's ready.......

Musical reccomendation of the week: I urge you all to check out The Go! Team's Thunder, Lightning, Strike. It brings you right back to the theme songs of shows like The A Team, Hawaii 5-0, and MacGuyver. The music is fucking awesome, and is a little bit of Jackson 5 plus a touch of old-school hip-hop merged with current semi-electronic-popish-dance rock and roll. It is pure genius.

And while we're on the topic of genius, the Ween Forum has been providing lots of entertainment for me lately. Check it out if you're looking for a few laughs.
