Sunday, December 12, 2004

It look like there is a ghost between the camera and's probably Neil's flower power getting in the way.

Maker's Mark sure is tasty.

Geoff's shirt takes it back to 8th grade....this is the kind of shit that we used to wear back then, straight from the thrift store. It kind of sucks that thrift store clothes are the new cool thing. Geoff is happy with his shirt.

Neil, resident Long Islander and professional model train builder.

My goodness, what a fun-filled weekend. Friday night found me driving from work straight to Geoff's in Kenne, NH. I met Kendra and Olivia there, and we had some home-made dinner and then got rather drunk. Neil (Geoff's roomate) was absolutely hilarious, and I fell down laughing several times.

Some of Neil's finer quotes:

"You can't like, own property just can't"
"You can't hug your kids with nuclear arms, man..."
Me: "Neil, are you a user?"
Neil: "If you use it man, there won't be any left for later"

Neil said all of these fine things in a perfect hippie voice, and it was awesome.

On Saturday Kendra and I woke up early and drove to Mount Snow, and Kendra booted twice on the way. A great start to the day. The snowboarding was pretty good for this early in the season, and we all had fun. Their park was excellent for being before christmas, and I liked the mountain quite a bit. This is good, as I have heard many mixed reviews of the place. We met Tripp and his friend Kevin, and then hung out for a bit in the bar before heading to dinner and then back to Westfield. Saturday night was very low-key, but quite enjoyable none the less. Not much else to talk about, except that after replacing the electronics in John's guitar I'm all fired up to start building a tube amp. Should be a great project.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Wayne's World!!! Party Time!!!!!

Holy Mackeral......this is the first post in a while and a lot of good stuff has happened. The ODB ale has turned out quite nicely, and while this has been ageing, two new batches have been started. One is an Irish Stout and the other is an IPA (which, the box informs us, is part of the"Maestro Collection" to deathffff). I also went to see the Pixies last Thursday, which was fucking awesome. John, Katta and Katta's sister Mary plus Mary's boyfriend came with us, and the show ruled. We were real close to the stage, right in front of a giant set of six sub woofers. They played all the classics, and they rocked the shit out of everything. On the way home I made Mary and her man listen to Ween the entire way, which, they tell me, is a band that they cannot stand. HA! Shows what happens when you neglect the Boognish. Other than that, I got sick last week and it has carried over into this week, as I failed to totally abstain from alcohol this weekend. I by no means got drunk, but the little bit I had invited the Virus right back into my body.

This weekend promises to be a good time, as I am heading up to Kenne to hang out with Geoff, Livy, and Kendra tomorrow night. On Saturday Kendra and I are heading to Mount Snow to ride, and we may or may not be staying there Saturday night. We shall see.

Reccomended Listening:

Bad Brains: Bad Brains
The Bad Brains' first album is awesome. They are kind of like early 80's punk/reggae, but are way better than that combination sounds........just listen to it I guess.

Ween: 12 Golden Country Greats
Ween's country album is a pretty amazing feat of musicianship, as well as being extremely entertaining and catchy. You will not be dissapointed.
