Monday, February 07, 2005


Rockstar Energy Drink

Bov the Pirate and Scott, several hours before the shooting.

Ah yes....monday means that it's time for the weekend update. This was a truely great couple of days. It was a very relaxing weekend, highlighted by the first joint home appliance purchase for Kendra and myself. We got ourselves a Vacuum, and it works very well. It's a bagless model, so there is no scrottum-like dust recepticle that must be frequently changed, which should provide us with years of maintenance-free operation. The only downside is that we bought it at Walmart, but it was like, totally not our fault. Damn convienence. Anyway, Friday night was fucking glorious. The kids at Orange Street had a great party. Geoff and Olivia were there, and Geoff and I addressed everyone as "Bro" for the entire night. This doesn't really sound that funny here, but at the time it was golden. I was pretty much a mess, and kept accusing Olivia of being HIV positive. I think Geoff really appreciated this. All in all it was a fabulous time.

On Saturday we bought the Vacuum, played a lot of guitar, and got ready for Kendra's party. The setup for the party was great, because she lives on the second floor of the appartment building while her friends Scott and Monty live on the first floor. Thus it was a dual appartment party, which allowed people to spread out and do whatever they wanted to do. Derek showed up with some James Brown (as usual) and got the dance party/kegstand party started down stairs, while there was more socializing and some music playing up stairs. After the party was over, Bobby Digital and Amanda went to Orange Street, where Ryan Bov allegedly got shot in the ass with a dart gun. Darts as in sharp pointed pieces of metal. Derek was also sprayed in the leg. Hilarious. I am very sorry that I missed this. Speaking of Bob Digital, the boy went to bed (wasted) at 6 am and got up at 7:30 am to work at Stop and Shop. Very impressive. Things could not have really gone much better this weekend. Perhaps I could have remembered to bring home my cell phone charger from Kendra's, but thats the breaks.