Thursday, March 24, 2005

Lost in Hartford, to the bar, drunken guitar and shitty shim sham slam. Henry is about to have a new Boston-based employer, congrats to him.

Transmissions from the Satellite Heart
, booze, a guiiiiitar, bluesharpin, 10lb medecine-bal- catch and some bottle rockets off the front porch. Big blues slides and then sleeping and home again. Weekend are too godamn fast. Arrrrrhhhh.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

John in the 24 inches......

The amp so far....

It's been a bust couple of weeks since the last posting. I've been all over the north east and work is really starting to pick up, so it's been pretty nutts. I also purchased a new acoustic guitar, and I think that this one is the magical keeper for life. Fantastic. Anyway, as you can see, the amp is coming along, and I have a few star-ground connections left to make and then the wiring is done. Should be pretty cool when she's ready to rock. The Boyd family had our annual trip to Jay Peak recently, and that was pretty amazing. Lots and lots of good trees and snow. This past weekend was also good. Mercaldi and I went to the Middle East on Friday night and heard some music and drank some beers (obviously). On Saturday we got a snow storm, which ended up dumping 24 inches in 24 hours on Sunday River. So on Saturday night I slept at John's and then we got up at 5:30 and made the drive. The conditions were epic, for lack of a better term, and John and Kata did real well in the trees, considering that it's their first year snowboarding. Good stuff. All this activity made me so tired on Monday that I left work early and came home and slept. And now it's almost time to do it all again. Pretty good life these days. Happy Saint Patrick's day to all.