Saturday, August 27, 2005

Wow. Last post was in April, now it's August and Kendra and I have moved in together. So far living in Boxford has been awesome. I don't even really know where to begin with this post, because so much has changed in 4 months. We now have a 9 10 week old black lab mix named Elliot, and he's fantastic. Great disposition and personality. We've been calling him Stanly Steamer lately, because he's so into pooing on things.

Other things that have been happening:

I finished my amp (finally)!! It sounds amazing. Tubes are SOOO MUCH BETTER than solid state for amplifiers. There is a warmth and tone with tubes that you can't really get with solid state. Kendra put it best when she said "tubes sound like a guitar sounds, only louder, while the other one (solid state) sounds like a computer. Genius.

We've had some awesome parties. Kendra's graduation party (3rd graduation party actually) was great. Lots of people from westfield and RPI. Tons of people playing music and having a great time. I wish I had a video of the entire night.

Went to some great shows. Saw Modest Mouse in northhampton, and it was amazing. WAY bette than I thought it was going to be. I think they had something like 7 people on stage for the entire show. Really full, tight sound. Also went to Newport Folk fest, and saw Bright Eyes, Jim James and M. Ward play together, which was really good. Also saw some nasty bluegrass there.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to Fall this year. No mosquitoes, nice cool weather, and lots of fires out in the field. Hot damn. Should be a great time.