Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dr. Phil is a monstrosity of modern television. I've been home sick over the last two days, and the doctor seems to be the low point of daytime programming. This is not to say that he doesn't have some very strong competition (believe me, he does); he just seems to possess some terrible and unidentifiable trait that puts him a cut above all of the other garbage that is constantly being trasmitted across the airwaves. As I type this, he's in the background alerting moms all over America about a "dangerous new trend" sweeping across the country: SPACEMONKEYS!! (Choice quote: "Do you know what you need to do to stop this?? WHATEVER IT TAKES!! ". This is sensationalist bullshit, and bored house moms all over the country can't bear to look away. They are transfixed by the slow-talking bald man and his simple words. He is a sleazy oportunist, pulling in high ratings and lots of money by spreading fear to the masses. In many ways he's worse than Jerry Springer. Springer presents his content as what it is: a filth-ridden guilty pleasure for those who find themselves at home on a rainy day. Bald-Man Phil presents his content as a great public service: He's saving the world from the evils of spacemonkeys! This is not to say that spacemonekys are not dangerous, they certainty are. But the last thing the world needs is another overblown piece of "must see tv" presented as a national epidemic. Dr.Blowhard can't be cancelled soon enough.