Friday, December 30, 2005

The holidays have been crazy this year. Between visiting the families and friends, buying presents and getting engaged, Kendra and I have been very busy. We had a sweater party on the 23rd, which was a spectacular event. The Beardsworth made it out for the event, and provided a healthy helping of his special brand of weirdness. Good Lord I love that kid. John and Kata (who also got engaged) ended up winning the Shittiest Sweater Award, which got them the respect and admiration of their peers, along with a $5 gift certificate to Denny's. Life is good.

Snowboarding has also been off to a pretty good start this season, with a trip to killington and several backyard shred sessions. I picked up a new board, which is more park orientated than the Canyon. It should be fun to pretty much skateboard around the mountains with it.

Music has also been taking up a bunch of time lately. Kendra got me a keyboard for Christmas, and it's been fun to mess around with that. I love how the instrument collection has grown. I've been playing a lot of blugrass guitar, and Geoff is turning into a pretty good drummer, which is good for everyone.

Happy Holidays.